Saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers
The Coastal aquifers are the major sources of water throughout the world. About 50% of the world population lives along the coastal zones and the figure is likely to expand by 75% by the end of this century. India has a long coastline where 25% of the country’s population lives in the coastal zone. The coastal zone is the most urbanized and industrialized area in the country when compared with other parts. This in turn results in over-exploitation of groundwater resulting in decline of water levels, leading to saline water intrusion which is a natural phenomenon. Electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) is a well-known technique to monitor fresh-salt water transitions. ERI was conducted in Pondicherry coastal region using W-2 Series resistivity meter and interpretation was attempted using RES2DINV software. The profile lengths were 150 and 300m for 5m and 10m respectively with a maximum depth penetration of 55.3m. The apparent resistivity measured varied from 0.1Ωm- 1100Ωm and different litho units were demarcated by correlation with litho logs. From the profile, the northern parts of the study area were found to be less affected by saline water intrusion and maximum intrusion was recorded along the southern parts of the study area. In certain locations the coastal dunes act as a barrier to prevent saline water intrusion. The 2D ERI profiles gave a clear image of geoelectrical heterogeneities, associated with seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifers, contributing to future measures towards a rational management of ground water resources in the area. Groundwater samples were collected in site specific locations and analyzed for major and minor constituents and correlated with the ERI techniques. The regions recorded with higher EC and Cl/HCO3 ratios were found to be in good correlation with already demarcated saline intrusion zones. The extent of saline water intrusion aided with water quality was effectively demarcated.
Key Words:Coastal aquifer• Saline intrusion, Electrical Resistivity imaging • Puducherry.
The Coastal aquifers are the major sources of groundwater throughout the world. A total of 50% of the world population thrives along the coastal zones and the figure is likely to get worse by the end of this century. Saline water influences in coastal aquifers is of major worry (Batayneh, 2006) because it constitutes the commonest of the pollutants in freshwater aquifers. India has a long coastline where 25% of the country’s population lives in the coastal zone. Ground water is the main source of water supply in the coastal region for multiple purposes like irrigation, domestic, drinking and industrial purposes. The over drafting of ground water triggers the sea water intrusion into the coastal aquifer.Semi Arid climate and uneven rainfall resulting in low replenishment of ground water is also one such concern for saline intrusion.
Monitoring of saline intrusion is vital for the coastal water resources management (Ginzburg and Levanon, 1976). The Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) methods are adequate for sea water intrusion mapping because of the very low
resistivity value of sea water (0.2Ωm)(Griffiths and
Turnbull, 1985; Griffiths et al., 1990; Griffiths and
Barker, 1993; Chien and Shih, 2007, Satish et., al
2011).The 2D imaging gives the best result for
sea water monitoring and the extent of the sea
water intruded into the aquifer. ERI gives the best
resolution and assist in sea water identification
and to know the sub surface condition. Hence an
attempt has been made in the coastal aquifers of
Union Territory of Pondicherry, which is one of
the major tourist places in India. Expanding in
population, tourist activities, agriculture and
industries have endangered the coastal
groundwater. The monitoring of the sea water
and fresh water interaction is the significant
concern in the Pondicherry territory because they
are mainly depends on the sub surface water for
various purposes. The present study aim is to
monitor the sea water intrusion in the coastal
shallow aquifer along the Pondicherry coastal
Study area
The area demarcated for the ERI study falls along
the coastal margin of Bay of Bengal with longitude
79o48’10” N to 79o52’9.5”N and latitudes
11o52’58”E to 12o2’18”E with a total area about
40 sq. km. The geology of the area comprises of
sedimentary formation ranging in age from
Tertiary to recent.The upper Tertiary in the area
are repesented by Cuddalore formations of Mio-
Pliocene age. The litho units of the cuddalore
sandstone comprises of pebbles and gravels,
coarse-grained sandstones with minor clays and
seams of lignite.
The thickness of these formations varies from 30 to 130 m with a maximum thickness of 450 m observed in Manapattu.
Recent (Quaternary) Formations
The Recent (Quaternary) formations are
represented by laterites and alluvium. Lateritic
soil occurs as thin cap over the Cuddalore
formations. Thick alluvial deposits are noted
along river courses of Ponnaiyar and Gingee
which confluences the sea in the Pondicherry
region. The alluvium in the area is composed of
sands, clays, silts, gravels and kankar.(CGWB).
Cuddalore sandstone and alluvial formations are
the major aquifers of the study area. Water level
in Cuddalore Sandstones (Upper Tertiary),
composing of sandstones and gravels, occupy an
extensive area in the region. The thickness of the
aquifer ranges from 20 to245m bgl (Below
Ground Level). Alluvial aquifers, comprises Sands
and gravels, form the potential shallow aquifer
with thickness ranging between 5 and 34 m bgl.Water table elevation ranges between 10 and 25
m bgl irrespective of seasons.
The fig.2 illustrates the data acquiring process in
wenner-α configuration.
The ERI was carried out in the present study by multi electrode resistivity imaging using W-2 Series, D.C Digital Resistivity Meter. In this study multielectrodes (32 Nos.) were connected with the resistivity meter. Wenner - α configuration has been attempted for this study. The ERI profiling was attempted at fivelocations, perpendicular to the coast with an electrode spacing of 5m and/or 10m with a maximum profile length of 300m and the depth of investigation was 55.7 m. The resistivity obtained wasinverted to create a pseudo-section using RES2DINV software.
Results and Discussion
A total of five ERI profiles were carried out in this
study area along (Fig.3).
Profile A-A
The first
profile (Fig.4) was carried out 300m away from
the coast bearing longitude 79o52’2” E and
latitude 12o1’50”N with 5m inter electrode
separation of 155m length. The profile identified a
sand dune (resistivity ranging from 705Ωm-
1100Ωm) along the eastern part of the profile
spread direction. The influence of the sand dune
was found to be extending up to a depth of 6.76
m BGL. The top layer with resistivity range of
138Ωm to 312Ωm indicates the lateritic soil depth
varies from 1.25m to 6.76m BGL. The resistivity
value 138Ωm - 256Ωm indicates the Sandstone deposit at a depth about 8m depth.
Comparatively a very low resistivity zone with a
resistivity range of 2.34Ωm-9Ωm is noted at a
depth of 21.5m representing the influence of
saline water intruded in Sandstone.
Profile B-B
This profile (Fig.5) was carried 50m
away from the coast bearing latitude 79o50’53” E,
longitude 11o59’2” N. The profile had 155 m
length and 5m electrode separation. The higher
resistivity (546Ωm to 612Ωm) measured near to
the coastal line, indicates the beach sand
extending up to a depth of 4m BGL. The low
resistivity zone (<4Ωm) is noted along the profile
line, identified as the saline water - fresh water
interface extending from a depth of 6 to 27 m.
The resistivity ranges (25Ωm to 100Ωm) indicate
the presences of Sand Stone layer at depth varying from 5 to 15m. A thin layer of lateritic soil
is observed along the western part of the profile
with resistivity values ranging from 70Ωm to
Profile C-C
This profile (Fig.6) has been
conducted at a distance of 20mtowards inland
from the coast, bearing longitude 79o50’24” E
latitude 11o57’23” N. The profile length
attempted was 155m with a 5m electrode
separation. A very low resistivity from 6.76 m (0.5Ωm to 2.59Ωm), observed along the eastern
side of the profile line confirms saline water
intrusion up to a depth of 22 m. A decrease in
resistivity value was noted towards the ocean
confirming the interface with the aquifer. Higher
resistivity range (69.2Ωm to 102Ωm) confirmed
the presence of lateritic formations from depth of
1.5m to 4m.
A patch of high resistivity is observed at 80m
spread at a depth of 13.4 m might be interpreted
as a perched water zone.
Profile D-D
This profile (Fig.7) was performed at
20m away from the coast bearing longitude
79o49’53” E, latitude 11o55’23” N. The top layer
has been demarcated as a coarse sand layer with a
high resistivity (400Ωm-1000Ωm). The second
resistivity zone (0.152Ωm-2Ωm) was identified at
a depth of 7m near to the coast might be the
layer intruded with saline water. A thick low
resistivity zone (0.152Ωm-2Ωm) noted at 15m
depth, in the mid of the profile confirms saline
water intrusion. The Western part of the profile
demarcates another low resistivity zone
(0.152Ωm-2Ωm) might be the sediments
saturated with poor water quality.
Profile E-E
This profile (Fig.8) has taken with
10m electrode spacing and length of 300m,
bearing longitude 79o49’24”E, latitude 11o53’9”N.
This ERI demarcates sand formations with varying
grain sizes with resistivity range from 19Ωm-
55Ωm at 2.5 to 13.5 m depth. A low resistivity
zone (8Ωm -15Ωm) proved the presence of clay
formation at a depth of 13.5m. The presence of
sand layer is identified with resistivity value of
19.5Ωm - 42Ωm up to a depth of 35m.
The ERI has been attempted in the coastal region
of Pondicherry demarcates the saline water
intruded zones. The saline water intrusion was
observed to occur in the sand stone aquifers
(Cuddalore sandstone). The saline water intrusion
was observed to be varying irrespective of depth
of the bore holes identified in the study area. The
Profile A-A’,B-B’ and D-D’ were showed a deeper
level (27m) of saline water intrusion indicating the
presence of deeper wells within the profile area
extracting groundwater are responsible for the
intrusion of saline water. In profile location C-C’
the shallow part of the aquifer (6m) shows the
traces of saline water intrusion, might be due to
the shallow well depth observed along the profile
direction. In profile E-E’ no traces of saline water
intrusion has been observed but the lower
resistivity observed at shallow depth is due to the
presence of clay beds and has been confirmed
with the litho logs of wells drilled near by the
profile direction. The best possible prevention
from sea water intrusion is to reduce the
groundwater withdrawal and to prevent further
exploration activities which have been already
practiced by the Pondicherry Government. This
method gives the finest resolutions and good
accuracy for monitoring and evaluation of saline
water intrusion. By this method sea water
influence zones have been evaluated in union
territory of Pondicherry.